No Matter How Slow You Go, You’re Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch



I went and got my Nulasta shot today( it helps my bone marrow create more white blood cells) which makes me feel like all my bones are being crushed.(Luckily the good Doc. hooked me up with some pain killers)

My arms were still sore from this morning and I was feeling kinda weak cause all I ate was that salad today. When you have no appetite and no hunger pains to remind you to eat it’s kinda hard to remember to nourish your body. So I  met up with my husband at the gym again and proceeded  with my evening work out.

30 Minutes of cardio on the the elliptical (slowly)

Every time I start out doing cardio and I put in 30 minutes, I think to myself, there is no way I’m going to be able to do this. My thighs and calves already hurt and my feet go numb for some reason. Then ten minutes pass by like molasses, and at twenty minutes I’m thinking to myself, I’m going to die for sure, cause this is awful. Then time magically speeds up and I’m down to 1 minute and I run like there is no tomorrow, and I’m done. But then I think to my self I can do a five minute cool down lap. Yep I’m an exercise champion! Until I get off the machine and about fall over because my legs turn into noodleds.

After Cardio I did 50 reps of the Tricep Pull down exercise 20 lbs this time

20 reps on the leg extension on 45 lbs.( this about killed me)

So here are my Stats.

Yesterday at the Cancer Center I got weighed and I was at 238 lbs

Today I weighed 231 lbs, 7lbs in one day may be great for wrestlers but for me that is a red flag! So I figured it was time I pick up some meal shakes that I will make sure to drink for breakfast so I stop dropping weight so quickly. Drinking isn’t my problem it’s eating that is the issue. (Stupid Chemo that is saving my life)

Well tomorrow is a new day with new challenges.(Bring it on )


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