Holy Chemo Batman!



 I met up with my husband Thursday at the gym and decided to use the sitting bike machine for 45 minutes. That was awful, my legs hurt twice as much as the elliptical and I burned half as many calories. Then I did 80 tricep extensions at 10lbs. Then the wonderful Chemo and Nulasta shot kicked in .

My husband hardcore exercises everyday, I am not going to be able to do that. (Thanks to my cancer ridden body ) I do try and keep active though (No laying in bed all day for me!) My Nulasta shot (Which I call my bone shot) is in full force right now. Even on Vicodin I feel like all my bones are being crushed. I decided to take a couple days off so I didn’t over stress my body . (My Dr.’s want me to keep my strength up) Also eating is getting complicated. 

When you have no appetite it is hard to remember to nourish your body. I have to remember to not just eat whatever comes my way and to actually eat things my body needs. (Sounds easy right)  

The biggest complaint I have about Chemo is the one Chemo drug they give me causes my whole mouth to be super sore for about 3 days. I don’t want to eat or drink anything and I am constantly brushing my teeth and living on Orajel. Finally when my mouth starts feeling better my bones start to ache especially my jaw. 

By tomorrow I hope that I will be up to going to the gym again. (Stupid Cancer) 

Here is an article I found on SparkPeople.com Enjoy!

We all have those days that we don’t want to work out even though we know we should. 

When you need a little motivation, look no further.

Here are 100 reasons you shouldn’t skip your workout today.

100 Reasons to Exercise Now

  1. Because it makes you feel confident
  2. Because it helps you get stronger
  3. Because exercise helps combat depression
  4. Because you’ll feel proud of yourself
  5. Because you have goals you want to reach
  6. Because you’ll feel bad if you don’t
  7. Because you want to move forward, not backward
  8. Because it burns more calories than not working out
  9. Because it improves your heart health
  10. Because you want a great butt
  11. Because it prevents diabetes
  12. Because you want to be a good example to your kids
  13. Because you want to feel good in your clothes
  14. Because it reduces your risk of cancer (Hehehe unless you already have it!)
  15. Because your body was made to move
  16. Because you want to be an athlete
  17. Because you want to look better
  18. Because it lifts your mood
  19. Because you want to stand taller
  20. Because it reduces back pain
  21. Because it feels good
  22. Because it makes you feel accomplished
  23. Because you spend most of your day on your butt
  24. Because swimsuit season is always coming
  25. Because strong is the new skinny
  26. Because dieting only works so much
  27. Because it strengthens your bones, too
  28. Because it helps you lose weight
  29. Because it allows you to eat more food
  30. Because it’s the best way to spend “me” time
  31. Because it helps you de-stress
  32. Because it’s cheaper than therapy
  33. Because you want a strong core
  34. Because you want to take care for yourself
  35. Because you take pride in your body
  36. Because it strengthens your legs
  37. Because it helps your clothes fit better
  38. Because you want to push yourself
  39. Because you are capable of more than you ever imagined
  40. Because moving your body feels good
  41. Because it keeps your mind sharp
  42. Because it helps you beat belly bloat
  43. Because it helps you sleep better at night
  44. Because it gives you energy
  45. Because you want to stay healthy as you age
  46. Because you want to look younger
  47. Because you want toned arms
  48. Because it improves your balance
  49. Because it burns off last night’s dessert
  50. Because it boosts your immune system
  51. Because sweat is sexy
  52. Because you want to live longer
  53. Because you want to get better at your game
  54. Because you want to catch someone’s eye
  55. Because exercisers earn more money
  56. Because you’re more likely to eat better when you exercise
  57. Because you want to shave time off your running pace
  58. Because you want to breathe easier
  59. Because you want to see the scale drop
  60. Because exercise improves your sex life
  61. Because you are worth it
  62. Because being fit makes everything in life better
  63. Because you promised yourself that you would
  64. Because you deserve a better life
  65. Because it’ll help you drink more water
  66. Because you want to do real push-ups
  67. Because it reduces your health care costs
  68. Because you’ll miss fewer days of work
  69. Because you want to create a new future for yourself
  70. Because it’ll help you like what you see in the mirror
  71. Because it makes clothing shopping more fun
  72. Because you want to look and feel incredible
  73. Because exercising can be fun
  74. Because it’ll give your skin a glow
  75. Because it’s a good way to spend time with your friends
  76. Because it’ll help you prevent the middle-age spread
  77. Because it reduces your blood pressure
  78. Because you don’t want to let yourself go
  79. Because you don’t want to squeeze into an airplane or rollercoaster seat
  80. Because it strengthens your spirit
  81. Because it’s a cheap way to entertain yourself
  82. Because you’ll be able to reward yourself
  83. Because you need a reason to wear those new workout clothes
  84. Because you’re tired of being tired
  85. Because not working out is not going to get you very far
  86. Because it’s a great way to spend time outside
  87. Because you made a commitment to yourself
  88. Because you’re tired of starting over
  89. Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion
  90. Because you’re not a quitter
  91. Because it improves your cholesterol
  92. Because it boosts your metabolism
  93. Because it prevents age-related muscle loss
  94. Because if you can do this, you can do anything
  95. Because a fit body is a healthy body
  96. Because it beats sitting on the couch
  97. Because  everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare
  98. Because you want to be stronger than your excuses
  99. Because not working out isn’t working out for you
  100. Because the only workout you ever regret is the one you skip

Now I did add my own personal comment on one of the reasons. I don’t agree with all of the reasons; but I do agree with most of them. Wish I would of read this before  I did my work out this morning  for motivation.

take care of your body it’s the only place you have to live jim rohn


I awoke this morning feeling as if I were hit by a truck. I laid in bed, comfy as ever, struggling to get out of bed. I could roll over and waste my day away sleeping in my giant comfy bed. My muscles were sore and I deserve a day off right. ( I have cancer for goodness sake) I knew I couldn’t use the cancer card on my self so… I got out of bed and decided to get my butt moving!


Day 4 Morning

I made sure to drink a meal shake this morning instead of just eating nothing.

Then I did this:

30 Minutes of Yoga (stretching my sore body feels great and I can finally touch my toes!)

150 reps of the Side-to- Side Sizzlers

150 reps of the Ab Shimmy exercise (This still kills my Triceps!! )

25 reps of the Pile Pendulum (I once again almost died after doing these)

Then I fell over and drank water, The chemo regimen I’m on drains me of water; so I have to drink twice as much as a normal person would need to drink.




I plan on meeting my husband at the gym once more this evening. (Where my legs may fall off completely)


No Matter How Slow You Go, You’re Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch



I went and got my Nulasta shot today( it helps my bone marrow create more white blood cells) which makes me feel like all my bones are being crushed.(Luckily the good Doc. hooked me up with some pain killers)

My arms were still sore from this morning and I was feeling kinda weak cause all I ate was that salad today. When you have no appetite and no hunger pains to remind you to eat it’s kinda hard to remember to nourish your body. So I  met up with my husband at the gym again and proceeded  with my evening work out.

30 Minutes of cardio on the the elliptical (slowly)

Every time I start out doing cardio and I put in 30 minutes, I think to myself, there is no way I’m going to be able to do this. My thighs and calves already hurt and my feet go numb for some reason. Then ten minutes pass by like molasses, and at twenty minutes I’m thinking to myself, I’m going to die for sure, cause this is awful. Then time magically speeds up and I’m down to 1 minute and I run like there is no tomorrow, and I’m done. But then I think to my self I can do a five minute cool down lap. Yep I’m an exercise champion! Until I get off the machine and about fall over because my legs turn into noodleds.

After Cardio I did 50 reps of the Tricep Pull down exercise 20 lbs this time

20 reps on the leg extension on 45 lbs.( this about killed me)

So here are my Stats.

Yesterday at the Cancer Center I got weighed and I was at 238 lbs

Today I weighed 231 lbs, 7lbs in one day may be great for wrestlers but for me that is a red flag! So I figured it was time I pick up some meal shakes that I will make sure to drink for breakfast so I stop dropping weight so quickly. Drinking isn’t my problem it’s eating that is the issue. (Stupid Chemo that is saving my life)

Well tomorrow is a new day with new challenges.(Bring it on )


“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ― Confucius,

Today I did not awake from my medication induced slumber ready to climb a mountain and take on the world. Instead, I felt as if I had already climbed a mountain and felt as if I had spent too many days on a ship traveling through rough seas. As I laid in my super comfy bed all tucked into my comforter, sunlight pouring in through my windows; I had to remind myself that I control my body, my body does not control me. Pain is only a way for my body to communicate with me, kinda like when  infants cry. Sure it’s unpleasant and can be annoying but it is a necessary form of communication.

So I force myself out of bed and, looking forward to my 30 minutes of yoga, I get dressed in my cute yoga outfit. I roll out my mat and begin stretching my sore limbs. Clearing my mind and focusing on my breathing, my morning yoga playlist transports me to a distant land, (since I haven’t traveled much, I picture the scenery from LOTR haha) The thirty minutes go by quickly, although I struggle with every pose that requires balance. I fall often, but I’m not discouraged; balance and flexibility can be learned, they just take time. (I confess I do get a little frustrated sometimes because I am not a patient person in the least)

Then came time for my new Ab work out, which I am dreading. I picked something easy so I wouldn’t get discouraged and give  up.  


I saw this ab work out in my Cosmo magazine. It reminded me of the exercises I did as a warm up when I took tap dancing lessons. I thought to my self; I can for sure do this! So I put on some dancing music and away I went.

Here is what I did: Day 3 Morning. 

100 Side-to-Side Sizzle reps.

100 Abs Shimmy reps. (This killed my triceps!)

20  Pile Pendulum reps each side (I barely made it through this one)

I did not do the Fold -Over Waist Whittler (because I can’t bend like that…. Yet)

After I got my heart beat to settle, and I drank my weight in water; I didn’t feel half bad.

Later I plan on heading out to the gym and doing some cardio and such. (Oh boy)


A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step


Let me give you some history on my previous diet and exercise and health goals in life:

1. Snack Snack Snack! (I’m a Snacker; I love to snack on chips, chocolate,candy, mints,)

2. Eat Pizza! ( This is  my favorite food in the whole world; and I can/have eaten it for ever meal )

3. Do as little exercise as possible!(Exercise is boring, hard, it makes me sweat, it makes my face look like a bright red cherry and it reminds me that I have Asthma, all of these things I hate)

For 22 years (except one year in college where I some how got on the ultimate frisbee team and had to exercise my butt off) these goals have worked for me. I could easily pass as the most unhealthy person on the planet.


My wake up call came in the form of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer. I was diagnosed with Stage 2, HLC about two months ago. It was a shock, it was unexpected, and it’s a challenge I will overcome with a fierceness like no other. I had to stop working a job I am in love with.(I was a director at a childcare center. Germ Central) So I decided to use the next 6 months to get healthy so that when my body is finally free of cancer I can enjoy my life to the fullest.


I’m not a jump in the water all at once kinda a gal when it comes to exercise; so baby steps(very tiny baby steps) is the way for me!

Step 1: Set Goals

Currently I weigh 238 pounds and I am 5/10

This is what I look like right now! Taken at my chemo session.ImageImage

My First Goal is to start exercising daily.. (except on Chemo day I get a free pass, cause it makes me sleepy and weak) Now,don’t confuse my goal of becoming healthy with wanting to loose weight, or to drop a dress size, or to have thinner thighs. I know and believe that currently at 238 pounds I am beautiful! (and a little Vain)  I want to be healthy that is my goal, not to be thin.

My Second Goal is to eat healthier. This is where I am going to struggle, I love food and all the food that is horrible for me. I’m going to have to take baby steps with this. Also another speed bump I will come across it the effects Chemo is having on me. On most days I have no appetite what so ever. Plus all my taste buds have taken a vacation, so everything tastes like Crap.

My Third Goal  is to stick to my goal, sounds easy right ? Not in the slightest, the easy thing to do is just sit in a chair all day or nap.

Three goals is what I’m going with now. I’m sure that I will eventually add more goals as I  go along; but for now three is plenty.

I started my first day of exercising yesterday April 29th, 2014. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

Day One

I woke up bright and early. (which for me is 8 o’clock)

I did thirty minutes of Yoga (Which is actually relaxing)

I then cleaned my house (I count that as exercise)

I met my husband at the gym in the evening to work out.

30 minutes on the elliptical (very slow pace so I didn’t die)

50 reps of Seated Triceps Extensions (10 pounds)

20 reps on some other Tricep machine I can’t remember the name of

I want to add more to this daily routine, more ab exercises, and swimming (which I love)

All and all my day at the gym was actually kinda fun, and I was bummed that I didn’t get to go today because of my Chemo!

Tomorrow is a new day and I can’t wait till it gets here! Now I am leaving you so I can divulge in video games and a great night of sleep !
